Movies on a Monday!

I got the loveliest message this morning, that’s always a good way to start the day right?! Am I going to tell you what it said, no I’m not cos it’s private you nosey feckers, but suffice as to say it made me smile!

My sincere apologies to those of you who fought the good fight for the penguins, I am sorry, but as much as I loved the little blue articles they had to go, they made my page look too busy, and me dizzy in the process. That said, I kinda miss them, the plain blue border is downright dull by comparison. I shall just have to keep tweaking, either that or revert to the cats.

Image courtesy of Wikipedia

I finally got to see Maleficent today, it was one that I was genuinely sorry to miss out on in the cinema. I like these kind of films, the combination of visual artistry and musical scores that accompany them. Long before I knew of the films existence I heard ‘Once Upon a Dream’ being sung by Lana Del Ray and fell in love. Only after a little investigation did I find out it was for a forthcoming film.

Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t blown away, but I was captivated, so much so that I did not see the time pass. Parts of it reminded me of Avatar,  especially the bioluminescence in the world in which the young Maleficent lived. It’s a retelling of an old story, with a twist. Unfortunately I do not know the original very well, because while I am sure I read the book, I do not believe I watched Sleeping Beauty from start to finish. It’s a keeper though, so it will be added to the DVD collection at some stage.

I also finally cracked under the strain of yet again having to listen to the extremely loud buzzing noise on my parents phone line and rang BT to report it as a fault. I’m guessing it must have been bad when at least two of their operatives asked was I ringing with regards to the buzz on the line. No shit sherlock eh? Only thing is they have no idea what it is, so they are going to have to carry out line testing. I shall hear in approximately 24 – 48 hours. I just hope they remember to ring me back and not the faulty number, which sounds like it’s on it’s way out with the pathetic little half rings it is giving.

A bit like me really, tis bed time, I am not as young as I used to be!

Good night eejits :)

6 thoughts on “Movies on a Monday!

    • I’ll watch it again when I get it for my collection, but like you I don’t think it will be 6 times lol Some parts of the acting annoyed me, not Angelina Jolie, but I found the choice of the King strange and wasn’t sure where the Scottish accent came in lol


  1. Can you run the penguin pattern through a filter to subdue it some?

    Who knew you were so Indecisive? :-D

    I had other friends who had great hopes for that movie who were a little let down by the end.


  2. Quite curious about your lovely message, I will admit! But am glad it made you smile anyway. I will also admit to a curiosity about that film myself…perhaps you have just inspired me to actually view it instead of just wondering about it!


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