Tis the seas…oh feck off!


You may have noticed that I have not posted in, well I don’t know for how long, but it feels like forever.

I wouldn’t even know how to explain the last couple of weeks, it’s been a veritable rollercoaster of ups and downs. There have been tantrums, mini bathroom floods, periods of silence and very little breaks in between.

The run up to Christmas has started and the Mothership is already on my case about writing Christmas cards despite the fact that November has not yet ended. It’s enough to give anyone a headache.

I think I must be the worst Christmas present buyer ever, I can never think of fun and ingenious things to buy anymore, once upon a time such things would have come naturally, but now it just feels like additional stress, something I do not need.

Wouldn’t it be amazing if we could just programme everyone’s traits into a big machine which would then spit out the perfect gift ideas for friends and family. Even better still, what about a personal shopper!

Up until now we’ve been relatively lucky weather wise as well, its been quite mild, albeit a little windy at times, nothing to do with my arse or brussel sprouts I promise. This weekend there is the threat of snow, a piece of news that had me all a tizzy. It means the official season for the DM boots might be starting, something that is sorely going to displease Alien Leg, she’s already been pitching a fit.

But hey ho, life goes on, there’s nothing else for it.

My pre Christmas New Years resolution…to write more, wish me luck.

What about you, how’s things been?

50 thoughts on “Tis the seas…oh feck off!

  1. Ah, Juls! It has been much too long! But am so glad to see you now..you’re worth the wait! :)

    We have threat of snow over here at the weekend too……even I am not ready to see it coming in.

    Concerning the whole Christmas thing, a lot of people in our family make wishlists (on Amazon and other places) just to help out with ideas. Might be something to consider asking people to do…..really does make things SO much easier!

    I welcome your resolution to write more……can’t wait for that. Try and hang in there and enjoy the chaos as much as you can….all too soon we’ll be back to the normal humdrum stuff with nothing but months of winter landscapes to look forward to.


  2. I was worried about you!

    I too am at a loss for amusing cards or creative gift ideas. I am in a very practical mindset. To me, it sounds like no one needs presents or you’re not in a position to get them. So, do something else. Give that energy to spending time with people. You be the gift.


  3. I did notice you had gone ta-tahs but pleased you’re back. Yep, the silly season has kicked in over here. Staff Christmas parties make me want to carry a gun and the thought of clients hanging without family, supports or friends makes me sad, as does thinking of those without someone to share the ‘fun’ with. The hibernation gig sounds better each year :) Linda


    • Hibernation, why did I not think of that. My onesie, my Xbox a lap top and a big sandwich, sounds great lol
      I’m going to do my best to just not hear about the parties or lunches, I’ve not got a lot of interest, bah humbug and all that malarky lol

      Liked by 1 person

    • You know what, the moment you start looking at the Stats is when you start to go under. Do what you do for you and the rest of us will tag along for the ride. F*ck the stats, it’s the people who interact that matter.
      That used to be me when I had more time, I hope I still matter a little tho :)

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  4. I tend to start off full of festive joy and optimism, then gradually get worn down into doom and gloom, when every shopping trip ends badly, and I can’t find anything I went out to get. Am still hoping to put my Christmas tree up this weekend though!


  5. Everyone should just do an Amazon wish list and make our lives easier! I occasionally come up with decent ideas (like the wine making kit for my dad one year), but usually blank.


  6. I stopped buying Christmas presents a long time ago. It took a while, but others finally got the message and stopped buying them for me as well. Now that is the spirit of the season to me! Bah humbug, baby!


  7. Welcome back, Juls. Let’s see…I’ve been busy, been sick (caught a cold), and have been desperately trying to catch up on reading posts I’ve missed. Do people really buy Christmas gifts anymore? I thought everyone just buys gift-cards anymore. Granted, it doesn’t look as good under a tree, but think of how much less wrapping you’ll have to do. :D


  8. Christmas stress is the worst. And that is so far removed from the point, as we all know. I wish you all the best. I know what it’s like. Today is moving day for me, and tomorrow I welcome an international house guest in new house before even unpacking. I’m working on not stressing. And on forgetting about work deadlines. Deep breath. Good luck with it all.


  9. Erghhhh!

    I don’t do Christmas anymore …. not that I have a grinch heart ache – far from it – but I can’t handle the stress …. so nope; won’t go there at all.

    As for the Mothership – well eh? think of this …. maybe? start early … get it done … and be done with it???

    Sending you hugs and good thoughts …. and if I could wave a wand and ‘set you free’ for a spell – longer than ‘just enough’ to catch your breath, rest and treat yourself to some quality sleep time, good food, restful soaks in the tub and excellent weather (your choice of place and location) in order to coddle you and AL … then in a heartbeat :D


    • If I ever win the lottery I am flying over to give you hugs a plenty, gentle ones though mind. I’m then taking you on a road trip with me to meet everyone else :)

      I see WordPress are not much in the Christmas spirit either, they stole my link to my WP Admin and let a new platform for posting that I must now learn, ahhhh, the joys! lol

      Liked by 1 person

      • LOL …. sorry …. I’m not laughing at you, I swear … I’m laughing at the stupidity of us having to figure out all the new stuff … all over again …. like it helps when one’s eyes are crossed from a long day and not enough sleep to “discover” the joys of the “new and disapproved” ;)

        Ohhh … hugs and tripping about … sounds like a plan …. yeah, c’mon lottery numbers …. let’s get it going!

        Right then …. try to get some rest and take really good care of yourself …. go play GTA or something …. :D


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