Daily Prompt: Thank you!

You Rock
Streamer Overload!

Daily Prompt: Thank You

The internet is full of rants. Help tip the balance: today, simply be thankful for something (or someone).

I’m thankful for WordPress. Actually, I am thankful for the bunch of eejits WordPress has allowed me to meet.

Everyone blogs for different reasons and gains something different from their experience. I had no reasons for starting a blog, other than it was something to do.

Initially to most people I appear to be the most confident person in the world, always in the middle of things, messing around, making people laugh. They are shocked when they realise this is not the case. I don’t usually talk about things too much, unless to my family.

The last 14 months has been tough going. Having to take 6 months off due to my ruptured patella tendon affected me mentally as well as physically. Being at home everyday made me realise how bad my mother, who suffers from stroke damage had become. In that space of time I have gone from patient to carer. Some things you come to accept, like the cooking, cleaning, washing and ironing, although the leg injury still plays a part in making life difficult. It’s the mental side of things I find hard to deal with. The mood swings, the fights, the feeling like you are constantly walking on eggshells. Even though you try, it’s hard to sit back and remember that she is not the person she once was. Mentally it’s a drain, and anxiety makes my stomach like a washing machine most of the time.

So like I said, I started the blog because it was something to do. I had no expectations. I had no ideas of where I wanted it to go. I just typed. It gave me something to look forward to when everyone was fed and I had 2 hours to spare before bedtime.

It became so much more. It’s given me a purpose and I truly adore the circle of people who regularly comment and go on my journeys with me.

I’m still amazed when they tell me I am funny, I don’t see it, but being told it makes me smile. I always was far to self critical, apparently! I love to make people laugh.

Blogging is so much more than just writing, it’s also about reading, commenting and interaction.

I’ve been captivated, duped and mesmerized by blogs. I’ve laughed, cried, sighed and rolled my eyes at entries.

All that aside my favourite part has been the interaction. I have been fortunate enough to meet some truly amazing people who unbeknown to them have lifted me and carried me through everyday since I started blogging. They offer advice, criticism, fun and laughter and never ask for anything in return. They let me read their thoughts, hopes, dreams and even sometimes their nightmares.

Through sharing our experiences we make connections that would never normally have happened.

I reached 100 followers today, and to each and every one of you I say a huge thank you. This blog would be nothing without you all!

To my loyal band of commenter’s, even the most recent ones with the cute sheep, cool cats and the ‘I burnt my buttcheeks’ presentation mug, an extra special thank you, you guys are amazing and I would have been lost without you all :) xx

23 thoughts on “Daily Prompt: Thank you!

    • No, thank you! Through your blog I’ve met you, of course and some other great people. I’m loving your challenges so far, so keep up the good work :)


  1. This was a beautiful post! <3 And I envy you, in a good way, for having a nice community that interacts with you. That's something I've never achieved in any of my blogging attempts. :/

    Thanks for being an honest and open blogger! And congrats on your 100 followers.


  2. Hey Hey Girl! Perhaps I should call ya the dragon rider? :)

    For whatever reason you took it up …. I’m glad that you did … blogging …. and I’m glad that you were encouraged and hung in there …. and even better still …. I’m glad that I found ya through that surfer dude and the guy who asks all those questions ;)

    It’s great when people are able to connect … and I mean truly *connect* across space and time. Your space is about you …. the good, the bad, the wonderful and the brave. I know I’m new to your space, but I’ll be with ya … through it all … so let’s just celebrate together and say “thanks to all!”

    Ohhhh yeah ….. whether you believe it or not …. you are funny and make us stop and laugh …. and you may not feel it, but laughter can put things into perspective …. I think there’s more to the proverbial cliche …. laughter is the best medicine.

    Dragon’s Up! Ride the currents ;)


    • Aww thanks, I’m very glad to have met you also :) Not everyone can throw their legs int he air with the same skill and finesse that you can :)


Entertain the Eejit!