Grabbing a coffee

This is me, tired little me, drinking coffee from the cup that my kind colleague got me for my birthday last week, whilst travelling on the train to face another exciting day at work. 

In real life I am wearing the same kind of loopy, at the end of my tether expression. It’s been a long week, in fact it’s been a long two months but hopefully there is hope on the horizon. 

I’ve been working extra hours and weekends to try and keep up with work since my colleague left in April. If you didn’t notice that I wasn’t around as much don’t worry, just lament the fact that you didn’t enjoy the peace and quiet while you had the chance. 

There’s been few days off apart from the two when we went to Donegal and one that replaced a lost weekend day and it’s starting to tell on both me and my house which hasn’t been getting the love and attention it deserves. 

This weekend is going to be another hectic one sadly, so in fact there most likely won’t be a weekend at all as I have to attend things planned each day that will most likely extend into the night. I’m going to struggle, firstly because I am going to have to people, but secondly because I’m going to get no down time and no time to unwind. 

I would just love one weekend of peace and quiet, just me, where I don’t have to do anything for anyone else and that includes cooking and cleaning! 

Monday my new colleague arrives, so that in itself is going to bring another set of challenges, like training and learning and sorting. She’s a lovely girl and I instantly liked her so that’s a positive, but I need to shield  her from being bombarded until she gets to grips with things. I don’t want her running for the hills on the first day. 

I’m nervous because it’s been so long since I trained anyone for anything. I’m not very good at taking charge, I’m more of a sheep than a shepherd, so it will be a learning curve for us both. 

No one likes change, but it still comes whether we like it or not. I’m trying to think ahead and console meself that there may be stability in my future, and days off. Days off would be lovely.

I just need to make it through the next few weeks. 

How have things been in your world?

What’s sleep?


I’m tired. So tired in fact that if the Mothership asks me what the trousers I have left out are for one more time, I might possibly use them to strangle her. Not her fault I know, but she is part of the reason why I am so tired.

I resolved the weekend before last that it would be the final one I worked, but somehow I still found myself in on Saturday. I’m doing 9 hour days and throwing an extra one in at the weekend too and it’s not making a dent on the mountain of things that need done. I really wish I was the kind of person who could just say ‘fuck it’ and dander off.

I’m not sleeping either and that sucks. It’s like I have this little voice in my head going ‘hey you, yes you, it’s been an hour since you last looked at the clock……WAKE UP!’ and damn it I comply. When I do finally manage to fall over to sleep one of two things happen, either the alarm goes off and it’s time to get up for work, or the Mothership wakes me with her screaming at the Fathership. She can never understand why I bark like a dog whose just been stung like a bee, but ffs I just woke up thinking someone’s being murdered, not having their bloody hands washed.

Go to work. Drink coffee. Work……really need a power nap, but there’s no time…

By the time I travel home, stand on trains, stand while waiting for trains, stand while making the dinner and doing the dishes my poor knees feel like they can no longer hold my weight and I can’t wait to collapse into a chair, and then I remember I need to leave out the tablets for tomorrow, wash spuds for tomorrow nights dinner and put on a load of washing, because lets face it if the Motherships ration of knickers falls below 15 you would think the world was going to end.

Back up the stairs, clothes laid out for work, and then a quick shower and  finally I get to sit down, god bless my recliner. The feeling of my feet being lifted off the floor is almost orgasmic and as I settle back to enjoy my 15 minutes of freedom I hear the pitter patter of tiny feet up the corridor.

FUCK!! is what I think, but I don’t voice it, I surprise myself sometimes with how calm I am. There’s no privacy in this house. I’m trying to write a post, maybe read a blog.

Then proceeds a 15 minute to and fro about which nightdress she will wear. When that’s settled, there will be perhaps another 5 trips into my room to confirm the decision that we made not five minutes before.

I don’t attempt to sit down again, there is no point. I just stand and wait.

10 minutes later there is the pitter patter of feet up the corridor once again and it’s time to do the teeth. It’ll take a good five minutes to convince her to give me the gnashers in the first place. Then I have to brush the ones that still remain in place, before confirming at least 10 times that the others are safe in the cup for the night and will be there in the morning.

Finally she goes to put the nightdress on. This whole process from start to finish can take about an hour, and meanwhile time is ticking away and my dreams of an early night are shattered.

I used to hate getting into bed before 12.30 am, it felt like such a waste of a night, now I love my bed, I can’t wait to crawl into it. My legs love me when I lie down.

I was so tired…………..but now I’m wide awake.


Dementia…..if you didn’t laugh you’d cry!

Half asleep!

Sleep - IE

The lie in didn’t go so good, if you could see me now, eyes hanging out of my head and hair like I have been dragged through a bush backwards, you would instantly know, there was no lie in! Normally its either the next door neighbours hens clucking and clacking as they try to squeeze an egg out of their arse, or the dog telling them to get the feck up it needs off it’s leash. This morning it was the fathership who was the traitor and decided to mow the lawn at just after 9 in the morning. Seriously old man, have you nothing better to do, like helping the next door neighbours menagerie sort their shit out. Serves me right for going to bed at stupid o’clock anyway!

I’ve been thinking a lot about my blogs recently. It’s funny, but I liked the idea of the May Dupp one because she was a fictional charter, which gave me the freedom to write whatever I wished. I never thought, at the time, that it would be like writing stories, you still have to think of a beginning, a middle and an end. I thought I would (in my head) assume the character of May and it would all come naturally. I’m still enjoying the challenge tho and intend to keep her going for as long as I can.

Yesterday however, in a fit of madness I started a Twitter account for her. Now I have to say I am not the best at Twitter, but I like the idea of being her and causing some havoc, it will probably give me the balls to comment on things I normally never would have, and the fact that she is fictional gives me the freedom of free speech, within reason of course. I intend to have a little fun with her, so follow at your own risk and prepare for cheekiness and naughtiness. To connect with her follow @maydupp.

Sometime over the coming week I hope to get my drawings done for the Cartoon Craziness Challenge. I have a few ideas, and it will be interesting to see if I can transfer them onto paper, they are either going to make you laugh or cry. The most current version of the challenge is C³ – Week Nine. I know I have not updated the main page ^ there yet, but I will at some stage over this weekend.

Ok time to get moving, there is housework to be done and I have decided that for lunch I am going to have a bowl of ice cream, chocolate sauce, toasted almonds and flake! I am on my holidays after all, even if it is just for a few days.

….and relax….

Image from freegreatimages

…so I’m not really relaxed, but it makes me feel better to think that I am, and there is always tomorrow.

What a weird, busy and strange two weeks it has been, I can quite honestly say that I no longer know if I am blown up or stuffed! For those of you who have no idea what this means, googling will not help, I just tried it. You’ll just have to believe me when I tell you that at the minute I don’t know which way is up.

It’s been a roller coaster. I get up and go about my daily routine, only these days I am not at my own desk, I have none of my things and I am doing a job that is not yet even mine. It’s totally weird and a little disconcerting. Imagine how it must feel for the lady who is having to train me, she doesn’t even want to go.

I have been enjoying the challenge though. I like it when my brain is occupied and not just ticking away on normal hum drum of everyday life. New things to learn require concentration, which requires brain power, which requires time, which in a weird way makes the day go faster. If only I could get rid of the queasy feeling in my stomach that increases the closer we get to Friday, the day when my counterpart goes on holiday for 3 weeks, then it would be all good!

Having been thrown a little out of routine this last week or so, has resulted in me feeling slightly off balance. I wouldn’t have said prior to this that I was someone who liked life being structured, but I am realising that in fact I like order a lot more than I like chaos. I cannot remember if I was always this way, but it seems to be the direction in which I am now headed.

I’ve been thinking about my blogs….again. A lack of time, on my part, has meant that poor May has not been out anywhere in ages. That started me wondering if I should just move her back to this blog, so she can blend into all the other insanity that sometimes happens here. Any thoughts?

I’m hoping as things start to settle down that I will be able to get myself into more of a routine. I had hoped with my Aunt visiting that I would have had more free time, but just the way things have been, it’s not yet worked out. No one’s fault, it’s just the way it is. On the plus side, it’s been great for my Mum to have some company and they are rubbing along nicely listening to music and looking at old photographs.

That I am afraid, is all I have to give. I’m practically falling asleep at the keyboard. No doubt when I have my shower I’ll wake up again, although I hope not, because I could do with an early night!

I need the Zzzzzz’s


I didn’t sleep very well last night. For some strange reason I kept waking up thinking I was going to be sick. I put it down to nerves, due to the fact my first ever post was about to be published on Okay, What If? and also my impending visit to the works physio.

When I woke up this morning I had notifications that there were 10 likes on my newly published piece so that lessened that worry. Thank you to all my new followers from this week, it’s good to have you on board. Thank you to Jed, who has enough faith in me to let me loose on his awesome blog, and thank you also to all of you for supporting me, it means a lot.

The good start to the morning slowed the washing machine that had somehow become lodged in my stomach during the night. No longer on spin cycle I had wound down to a steady rinse, which through my awesome powers of deduction (I was only worried about two things) I concluded had to be the visit to the physio.

I needn’t have worried, again good news. She says the strength in my leg has greatly improved, I have also gained about another 5 degrees on my range of motion which I didn’t expect as usually where you’re at after 12 months is where you stay! She explained the back and hip pain I am experiencing are normal due to the fact there has most likely been a change to my gait and I am over compensating. So yes I’m still going to be sore, but at least there is improvement!

We got to discussing life in general and I was talking about how although I had expected the physical pain with my injury I wasn’t prepared for how it would effect me mentally. She asked about home life and such things and was kind enough to suggest that perhaps another referral might be a good idea so I could go and just chat with someone and perhaps let off some steam. I might actually consider it, watch this space!

IE News Banner

  • Check out my new page entitled Challenges.The sidebar was getting a little crowded so I moved all the useful information to a page of it’s own. You can find all the information for Jeds Okay, What If Writing Challenge, Steve’s Monday Music Mix and Robs Haiku Challenge. If you have a challenge you would like added bear in mind before you ask that I can be bribed with either stationary or confectionery unless you’re super rich and want to make it monetary! :)
  • Remember a while back I was boasting about my love for my new netbook, so much so in fact I had already bought it a Valentine card. Well it would appear that it has a dark side. For the first time ever I carried the laptop into work with the sole purpose of blogging on my journey home. Imagine my horror, and we are talking large scale horror here, when after getting myself all settled and beginning  to type I started to experience motion sickness. I tried to ignore it at first but when it reached the stage where I wanted to projectile vomit, I shut everything down and closed my eyes for the rest of the journey. Fingers crossed it was just a one off, but in case it wasn’t, I have been pointed in the direction of the nearest chemist to buy sea bands! My suggestion of B&Q for a bucket was not received very well!

So there you have it. The above was meant to be ‘News in Brief’, but I was too tired to photoshop the words onto a pair of knickers so you’ll have to make so with an old picture.

Night Night now :)