Computer Shopping

I wonder if you can buy inspiration in a packet, you know, kinda like you can do with some sauces. Place self in casserole dish, sprinkle with sauce and place in oven at a low heat for however long it takes for ideas to form. Let’s hope someone remembers to take me out before I get crispy.

It’s been a long but short week, if that makes any sense. I’ve achieved a lot for other people, but not really for myself. It’s been nice not being at work, however nerves are already kicking in for my return on Monday.  I’ve removed some of my stress by completing tasks that needed done, which hopefully means the next time I take a few days off, I can have some to myself.

Weirdly this week, the thing that had me climbing the walls was trying to purchase a computer. I’ve had my PC for about 5 years and while it still works, when it starts up it’s like a parade of tractors advancing through my room. It’s getting slow in it’s old age too, a little like me. I’ve been keeping an eye on prices for a while and was delighted to see that Dell were offering an extra 10% off on their Inspiron computer. After discussions with the Fathership I headed onto the site to start the purchase process. Things were going well, and with the form filled in I pressed continue and was hit with an error regarding the contact telephone numbers. A little guidance was given, complete area code and then number, however despite the fact that I put the number in every way I could think of, it was not accepted.

As you can guess, I was starting to get a little frustrated at this stage, so I looked to live chat for assistance, but no, not available, despite the fact that it was  still within the opening hours. Next the telephone help line, again same thing, after enduring a message informing me of said opening hours, she says thank you and hangs up. WTF!! I’m more than tetchy at this point, and commit my problem to the help desk via e-mail.

The next day I anxiously check my e-mail for a reply. I only have a few days left to avail of the discount before it disappears and had asked how I should complete the contact number in order for the site to accept it. The gentleman replies advising me he can raise an order but not telling me how to complete the number. So I reply with the details of the computer we were after. His next reply left me gutted, the computer was out of stock. After a few more e-mail exchanges I was left still not knowing how to complete the form and with a quote for a more expensive computer. I was right royally pissed at this stage, if the stupid site had worked or the helpline’s were available like they should have been I would have my computer ordered and all. Now however, the whole process has left  me a little jaded and I am going to look elsewhere, so if you see any good deals let me know.

If I disappear, you’ll know that my existing computer has finally popped it’s clogs!

Till next time eejits…hopefully!

43 thoughts on “Computer Shopping

  1. What type of computer are you looking for? I have a portable desktop (it’s a gaming laptop) I could sell you. I don’t use it very much. I am always on my tablet so it’s pointless for me to have the beast. Let me know if you are interested.


  2. Aye, that’s a scunner. This whole online shopping is never as easy as they
    Ike to make out. I don’t trust the buggers. I’d rather give my money to a Real Person and see the thing in Real Life. Of course, getting to the shops isn’t necessarily an option either. Hope being back at work goes ok.


    • Me too, re work – anxiety is kicking in now, only 12 hours to go lol
      I hear you with the shops, I was a little annoyed with the shipping too, it said 3 – 4 days, but when his quote came through it said two weeks, wtf!!


  3. Ugh – well that is totally bad-ass marketing and service on Dell’s part – so trash it!

    Are there no other “box stores” like Best Buy or something equivalent where you are that you can shop online – have no hassles or problems, because they are UK based?

    Honestly – that just totally sucks – and in the meantime, I’m sorry to hear that your computer needs an update – hopefully it will happen – the right deal at the right price will come along – and make everyone pleased as punch – which, understandably you very well felt like doing to the actual service people who were “in real time.”


      • That is an absolutely great and positive spin on it – and so — let’s keep those good thoughts in mind – who knows – you might end up with one totally bad-ass butt kicking desktop for such a reasonable price – you’ll be the envy of the gamers! ;)


  4. Geez, I really hate stuff like that. Wish I were closer and could give you a bit of a hand on this…..never heard of Dell having such lousy support…..that used to be their trademark strength! Oh how the mighty have fallen, huh? Perhaps call support again and ask that since they are out of stock they apply the discount to another computer? (There are a whole line of Inspirons…have a couple myself!) Worth a shot anyway….


      • Oh, boy. My son would tell you NO WAY. He’s into the whole gaming thing. But I’ve never had a non-Dell desktop and I’ve had really great luck with them. Depends on what it’s used for I suppose. Lots of good things about Dell.


  5. I hate shopping for a new computer! The one I always want costs to much and I settle for less because it’s all I can afford and within a month I’m always regretting it!


  6. The transition between old and new computers sucks. It…just sucks. And, you don’t need that woe and worry about what you might be missing or who thinks you left them high and dry. I hate it. And, to have to buy one online when either a site or your PC is defective…there aren’t enough foul words to describe my fury.


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