Size Does Matter

size matters

Clearly I am a girl for whom size matters as I stare with with glee at the 21.5 inches before me. Yes, that’s correct, I got a new monitor, well it’s second hand, but it’s new to me so it’s all good. It’s amazing the difference that a couple of extra inches can make. Apologies though to those of you who thought this post was going down a different route…you should be ashamed!

So perhaps you’re thinking, awww, she got a new monitor, that’s where she’s been, staring at the wall and typing away to thin air, while lamenting the fact that there is no picture to look at. As much as I appreciate your faith in me, you’d be wrong, I’m just lazy. Thinking about writing is about as close as I have got this last week or so. I’ve been going Christmas crazy, not in a ho ho ho lets get the decorations up kind of way, more like in a it’s driving me fecking crazy kinda way, and I’ve not even started the Motherships Christmas cards yet, that joy is still ahead of me!

Between work and the housework there is very little time left and when I do get to a shop I find I can’t focus. I am going to have to become a person of lists, this relationship I have with scraps of paper is just not working out, I think it’s time to move on to something a little more mature, like a hunky ‘To Do List’ notepad. I have shivers just thinking about it.

Apart from that life has been very run of the mill and ordinary, which at my age is probably no bad thing, sudden surprises could have fatal consequences, like two weeks ago when I found the mouse in the cupboard under the sink, it had already shuffled off the mortal coil and I had a fun little game of Breathe, Breathe, Brown Paper Bag. I wasn’t hyperventilating, there was Buckfast in it.

Anyway it’s bed time for this Eejit, I have a wee thing to do tomorrow, it’s called work!

Are you ready for Christmas?

16 thoughts on “Size Does Matter

  1. I’m ready for Christmas…to be over :-)

    I don’t have a big monitor, but I have two at work. What does that say about me? Lol


  2. Not entirely, but I’m getting closer. I still need to get a card and a very wee gift prepared and shipped off to a special eejit and some cards sent to Josh’s family. ;)


  3. Oh, I am so with you on the little pieces of paper…..they just do not work! I have recently downloaded a NOTEPAD app for my phone and make multiple lists in there now. It’s actually been working out quite well! Am so impressed to find I actually have said info at fingertips at all times. Really miss you on here….think you need to go to weekend posts while the dreaded job is in the way. Want more of the Eejit!


    • Thank you as always for your kind comments :) I miss being here, one of these days I am going to get myself into a routine.

      I downloaded a notepad appp on my phone too, problem is, I never remember to carry the damn phone either lol


  4. We should be ashamed? You clearly tried to make us think of something else than monitors! I was so thinking this would be about the perfect clothing size. Fo sho.

    I’m not ready for Christmas at all. AT ALL. The thought freaks me out. I’m pretending really hard that it’s still far, far away. Far, further, non-existing until I’m ready for it.


  5. My cat keeps bringing mice in just now. One was alive so I had to catch it and put it outside. The other one looked dead but it could have been stunned so I just blew on it for a little while to try and wake it up but no, it was gone so rather than try to give it mouse to mouse resuscitation I put it in the wheels bin. Also “one” my monitor is 26 inches ;) and the other is 19.


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