Sleep typing…

The past few days have been weird around blogsphere what with everything going on. I wanted to write yesterday, but the post was in pieces and I couldn’t quite manage to pull it together, so in the end I gave up and watched a few episodes of ‘Life Unexpected’ instead.

I also wanted to start work on a new What If? piece for Jed and his blog, but again I couldn’t get anything to stick. Any suggestions for me?

I’m sure it has not escaped your notice that despite my big girl bragging about changing my page and forcing it to grow up, there are little or no differences at all. Now, before you get all judgmental on me, it has NOTHING to do with me being lazy and EVERYTHING to do with me not being able to find a theme that I like as much as my current one. I tried each and every one in WordPress, on Saturday night, cos I’ve no social life thats just how I roll! In the end I gave up. I need more time to make an informed decision so that when I start the begging process with Paul regarding a new banner I know exactly what I am asking for! That said I have help on tap with regards to CSS cos my good friend from No Blog Intended passed her exam with flying colours! Well done young lady :)

This is only going to be a short post, I managed a 10 hours shift in work today, the first since I had my accident and do you know what, it felt good. The Diamond Dancer and I didn’t stop and I was amazed at how quickly the time went and the amount we were able to achieve in it.

I’d left dinner out for the olds with instructions on what to do. It seems they managed ok, apart from one phone call from the Fathership asking what number on the cooker the spuds had to be turned on to. It would appear however that unless something is able to go in the dishwasher neither of the ‘ships’ will touch it, meaning after arriving home at 9.45pm I had to start and wash the pots and pans and then prepare tomorrow nights dinner. Next time I go out, they can order in and I will leave out paper plates and cups. Problem solved!

That’s about all I can manage, I really don’t want to wake up in the morning with ‘qwerty’ embedded on my forehead because I fell asleep at the keyboard!

One last thing tho before I go, can I please (if I have not already) draw your attention to my new page entitled ‘Challenges’. On it you can find the most recent ones from Okay, What if?, Robs Surf  Report and also Steve’s Monday Music Challenge. Check them out and put in an entry, go on I dare ya!

Night night now :)

P.s The video at the top is The Crooked Kind by Radical Face. It’s my song of choice for this week. It’s been on repeat since I first heard it!

53 thoughts on “Sleep typing…

  1. I am the same way with themes. I like the way the posts look on this one…but I hate the footers. I like the way the posts look on that one…but I hate the font. My current one is the closest I can come to liking one completely. I am thinking I may invest in getting the customization package in a few months to change up the colors, etc. IDK yet.

    Get some rest! :-)


    • I’m just so so about the customisation packages at the minute. Even with it I was still unsure of how things looked, but I did change a few fonts and some of the backgrounds are really nice. I’ll figure something out eventually lol


  2. The song reminds me of the Fleet Foxes, and that’s a good thing :) Also a bit of Simon & Garfunkel.

    I’m entirely too lazy to follow any sort of blog prompts, sorry!

    My mom was the cook most of my life – and badly, according to dad’s constant gripes. One day she said ‘no more!’ and he did all the cooking from there on. He’s bloody amazing. I feel sorry for older people who let stereotypes rule their lives like that.


    • Funny the Fleet Foxes were a band I always wanted to check out, thank you for reminding me.

      Thats fine re the blog prompts, it was just for anyone who liked challenges and an explanation as to why they had disappeared from my side bar.

      I have to say since my Mum has become worse with the stroke damage my Dad has really stepped up to the plate doing all these things he would never have bee allowed to before. All credit to him, he’s doing rightly lol


      • Hope my link is allowed – this is the song that made me fall in love with the Foxes:
        I’m happy to hear dad is expanding his horizons! My hubby never cooked at all until we got married, and I refused to believe he couldn’t. Now he’s the egg and fish man – the two things I always got wrong. I’m still the chef for hamburger, our random take on oriental food, and red-sauce.


      • Oh dear -I’m in the Republic of Ireland, as opposed to Northern Ireland (UK)! No such thing as southern Ireland :) Just to save you any trouble in the future! Yes, I live in County Mayo.


      • If I’m a southerner – I want some damn sun!
        Seriously tho, that will get you in a load of trouble around here! That’s the kind of thing a Yank would say! I am one, I should know :) I had a friend over from Ohio who wanted to see Stonehenge… Imagine the level of difficulty I had not laughing my hole off as I explained geography…


      • lol You should have taken them to the Blarney Stone. If we ever go to Dublin, we always say we’re going down south, think it’s more to do with the direction than anything else. You need to get your hubby to take you on a road trip up here to The Giants Causeway if you haven’t seen it.


      • I know! Been on my list for ages. Have a mate in Donegal who will let us use a caravan to stay in, and bring the dog, too. I NEED to see it! BTW, my Siamese is a Derry boy – we had to travel that far just to get a purebred Meezer! I was rather intimidated to be there, with my Mayo reg car :) Ok bedtime for me!


  3. You know, so far I’ve had the same problem with themes – nothing has been as good to me as my current one. But I’m confident I’ll find something. Lucky you have a CSS person though – I’m still questioning whether it’s worth it for me to upgrade solely for the custom colors and fonts. Maybe. Maybe not.


Entertain the Eejit!