Concerning life

Image result for things to do quotes
Image from Quotes Gram

I have romantic notions about how I should be living my life. Curling up in front of an open fire with my laptop after having had a shower, all calm and chilled and wasting a little time before heading to bed at 10.30pm every night meaning I am well rested for work.

Reality: Hot fecking mess, that’s what it is! and without the open fire.

I stupidly thought that perhaps life was returning to some kind of normality and that maybe I was too. You see I’m trying to get everything done, get the house sorted, get me sorted, and then life will be good right!? Wrong…it’s still a bloody disaster.

I had a couple of days off this week, another chance to de clutter and finally move from one bedroom to the other, as my current one needs redecorated thanks to the mouldy 20 odd year old wallpaper. Day one progressed not too bad, I got things done. That said every time I opened a cupboard there was just more ‘stuff’. I mean there is stuff on top of stuff, covered with stuff that’s hiding even more stuff. Trust me, it’s depressing stuff! Thanks Mothership, your legacy lives on. That said, there were tears throughout the day too  as I came across a variety of photographs that brought back memories, some happy and some sad.

I ended day one feeling hopeful. Hopeful that there was one cupboard cleared, under the bed in the guest room had been de gunked and that I might finally have finished this mammoth task by 2018. In order to make that time scale however I might have to call in reinforcements in the form of the Sistership, I think this is too big a task for a one man band.

Day Two. I woke up. My head hurt. Another fecking migraine. You have got to be kidding me. I never left the sofa all day, anything I tried to eat returned with a vengeance and I didn’t even make it out to vote. Illness has followed me like a lovesick puppy since my Mum died, I have never been sick so often in my entire life. Colds, flu like symptoms, crippling migraines, has no one told my body I am supposed to be under less stress now ffs. I’m still not feeling great and that was 3 days ago.

Since the start of the year I have tried to be better to myself. Instead it’s left me feeling worse and yes before you say it I know, this is probably just a phase and things will get better. You all think my body is trying to catch up on the last four years and you’re probably right, but I am mightily sick of being sick!

I’m 65 days, 11 hours, 53 minutes and 14s smoke free as I type this. Don’t worry, I’m not that anal that I can count the days in my head, I’m not that good at maths  either. I have an App for that. I’ve made changes to my diet, I keep an eye on my blood pressure and I’ve substituted crisps (I miss you so much little crisps, never forget me) for nuts, which are apparently good fats and not the bad ones. All this, and still I feel like shit. Seems kinda unfair right!? Yeah I think so too.

Sensible me knows that change doesn’t happen overnight and I have four years to make up for, so I am determined to soldier on. I need to remind myself that everything does not have to be done all at once. I need to stop beating myself up when I let other people down due to being sick, I can’t help being sick and worrying about it only increases the stress. For the last four years I lived off a schedule where everything had to be done there and then and I am finding it hard to break that habit.

Things will be done when they are done. If not today, then there is always tomorrow. I just need to drum that into my thick skull!



Operation Visitation!

Time for a quick one, update that is, not alcohol, although that might help too!

Things are moving on at a swift pace, it’s now only one week until my Aunt arrives from the United States of America. Seriously, where does the time go, ‘ah no need to panic, there’s loads of time’ has turned into ‘oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!!!’ and ‘arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh’.

This weekend past, I did actually make good strides, I have empty drawers and can see the floor in both rooms, result! The Mothership, when she was finally able to grasp that it’s this coming weekend, informed me that ‘we’ would have to get the house tidied. There was no ‘we’ involved in the messing up of it, so I am not sure how I got into the equation now ffs! I informed her that it’s pretty much done.

The big fear for me now is that when she starts to tidy the downstairs room, that all that stuff will ‘somehow’ make it’s way upstairs into the newly tidied ones. I have never known anyone be able to make so much mess, it’s almost like she goes into a room and flings stuff around her head while screaming ‘Wheeeeeeee’.

I’m going to take a day off at the end of the week, because although I have the bare bones done, there are still a lot of bits and pieces. I did so much on Saturday, that between the pain in my knees and my back I was so sore I couldn’t manage much yesterday. I would love to think that now I have everything ship shape, that it will stay that way, but I know deep down that it won’t.

In other news, my stomach is like a washing machine. The thing about change in the workplace is, I knew it was coming, but while it was not yet here I didn’t have to worry about it. Now it’s starting to become real and a little amount of panic is setting in. Damn you self confidence, give me a break. I will probably be fine, but it’s the period in between now and then that is going to be be quite stressful, especially with everything else that is going on at the same time.

But as a wise man, or perhaps woman once said, ’These things are sent to try us!’

Clean Sweep!


What a weekend! I feel like I have been away for weeks, but in reality it was only a couple of days, but it was a couple of days without reading blogs, writing on blogs, or in fact getting a sniff of any blogs. I am having blog withdrawal symptoms, and that’s the reason why I carried my laptop into work and am currently blogging on my lunch hour.

I got lost at the weekend. I’m a little bit lost all the time, but this time I mean I actually got physically lost, in the spare room, which over the last 5 years my mother has been using as a dumping ground.

I remember having to do this once before. The year was 2007 and also the one of my Sisters wedding, I went in like a whirlwind, tooled up with rubber gloves, tongs, black bin liners and a flare, just in case I needed to call for assistance. I got everything shipshape and begged my Mum not to ever let it get into that state again.

Fast forward 7 years, we have visitors coming and it’s back to square one, in fact I think it’s worse. It looks like the carnage I leave behind when I miss throw a grenade and blow my car to bits in GTA. After 1 hour I was able to see a little bit of floor, after 2 and a half hours I realised there was a bed in the room, who knew.

It’s amazing the stuff we amass over the years, and the stuff we actually hold onto. I had to be ruthless, while at the same time not throwing out anything of sentimental value. There were plastic bags of plastic bags, other plastic bags with junk and rubbish in them, old magazines, books that I am sure were never read and newspapers from 2009. I threw out 6 black bags full to the gills with absolute shite. You can imagine I was less than happy when the arse burst clean out of at least two of them and I had to pick the stuff up all over again!

I hurt, oh boy did I hurt, my leg a reminder that I am not fit for standing long periods at a time any more. But when I looked at my handiwork, although not yet finished, I felt good. My fear now though is that when she starts to clean the room downstairs, the junk it contains will be carried up into the room I have just cleaned. The reality is it will probably end up being me who cleans it was well, oh the joy!

There is something good to come out of all this though, I think I am turning into a minimalist, it’s just a shame the Mothership does not share my values.

Say a little prayer for me that the ‘Tidyness Angels’ protect my handiwork Smile