Best Laid Plans


I would like to think that I am relatively organised person. I’m not perfect by any means, especially in the morning. Due to this fact I have to have everything for the morning sorted and in place the night before. Clothes laid out, lunch made, bag packed and shower before bed. On the Ships shopping day this also means having to ensure that the Motherships outfit is also laid out. Those mornings I head for the late train, it saves for two trips into town and as long as I am in work for ten on that day it’s all good.

Last night everything was planned and all the essentials were laid out. This morning however my best laid plans fell to a complete arse. The Mothership likes to go quite slowly, the more you remind her you’re in a hurry, the slower she likes to go. I have to make sure I’m dressed before getting her dressed. Then it’s the brushing of the hair, the putting on of the coat and a squirt of perfume. Finally we are ready to depart. Then there was frost on the windows of the car. It’s like WTF!! Long story short, I missed the train, disaster. What I thought was the train pulling into the station, was it actually leaving as I stood with a bemused look on my face wondering what was going on, certainly not me to my destination anyway.

I walked back over to town and found the ships getting out the car, figured I better text my boss and considered my dilemma. The Fathership wanted me to take the day off, I think the shopping trip is a little less stressful when I’m there, but he wasn’t admitting that. I’ve three days to use up before the end of the month, so I texted and asked.

So here I sit, it’s a day off, but it’s not been a day off. I did 14 laps of the supermarket, 10 of the frozen food shop, and braved the bakery with an armful of both toilet and kitchen rolls. I then came home and cooked the three of us a fry, cleaned up, prepared dinner and put in a load of washing. I think I need a power nap.

On the plus side, one of my favourite shows that I had to watch clips of on You Tube has finally made it to UK tv. After a campaign which I believe was entitled something along the lines of Get Elly on the Telly, ITV2 has now started airing Ellen on weekdays. There is however a downside, ITV player is not on the Xbox and nor does it seem to be available on my Freesat just at the minute, which means that as I work during the day I am still going to be unable to watch the show. Today however as I was here anyway I could watch. I’m so glad someone with sense brought the show here, it’s a good un.

I’m now going to consider doing some ironing while finally getting around to watching the film Ex-Machina which I’ve wanted to see for a while, after all, disaster days have to have some perks right.

Wish me luck that I get some peace :)

Time wasting on the Tube!

Old Motorola Mobile
The Fatherships old mobile phone! (Image by Garry Knight)

I’ve just wasted two hours of my life, two hours that I will never get back. Weird thing is I don’t really mind, well apart from the fact that the potatoes are not scrubbed for tomorrow nights tea.

The events leading up to the two hour time wastage I totally blame on the Fathership, because he also caused me to lose about 2 hours on Friday night. You see he has a new phone, a new mobile telephone to be exact. My sister gave it to him for Christmas and offered to set it up and everything, but the male rent believes in using something until it falls to pieces, so he continued to use his current one.

Lately his mobile provider has been failing to deliver and getting frustrated with the lack of signal I was approached to make the move to a different network. Cue two hours spent on the phone to said networks, changing sims, transferring contacts, topping up and teaching the oul boy how to switch it on and make calls. By the time 10pm came on Friday night I was sick of the sight of mobile phones, and I’m a geek ffs!

Fast forward to today, another call to the network  for the MAC code they promised to send Friday and we’re ready to go. Phonecall to the new network and we have a scheduled time for the number to move across to his new phone. I hope everything goes according to plan or the Fathership could be launching into Orbit. He DOES NOT want to lose his old number, and if he does, I might lose my head on a chopping block in the garden!

So I’d fed them both, done the dishes and cooked my own tea. Of course the whole mobile phone drama happened just as I ushering the first forkful into my hungry mouth, so off I trot up the stairs, dinner in one hand, his mobile phone in the other, and my elbow lodged between the banister and the wall praying that Alien leg can hold it together until we get to the top of the stairs.

By the time I got off the phone my dinner was freezing and it was already 9pm. My early finish and night of blogging was evaporating into mist in front of my eyes.

Then it happened, I started reading blogs and came across a post Steve had done about the band James. I was captivated by the video for the song ‘Moving On’, if you have time I think it is worth a watch, you can find it on Steve’s post HERE!

As always happens when I go onto Youtube, I started to watch video’s from Ellen. Her show is not broadcast here as far as I know, unless you pay for subscription services. I find her incredibly funny and particularly love it when she scares her guests and pulls surprises on people.  For the next two hours I laughed, welled up, shed tears, was amazed and entertained to the point where I pretty much forgot about everything else. Ellen can keep my two hours, she deserves it for an awesome show and she is now my go to person when I need cheered up.

Two hours well spent, I have a smile on my face :)