Lacking Inspiration

Blog Tidy

I’m having one of those days. I have so much to do, but I have no idea where to start. Thankfully the Ships (for newbies I mean my parents, the Mothership and the Fathership) have been fed and the chores are all done, everything that’s fuzzy is blog related.

I need to clean up, tidy up, read and write, but I find myself sitting here looking at a blank screen. My current favourite song of choice Hunger of the Pine plays in the background and my mind is drifting to other places. Anywhere other than where I actually need it to be, which is in the here and now.

This last few days May Dupp has also been rapping at the front of my brain reminding me she is still here and needs to be attended to as well. Sometimes I wish she was more like a ventriloquists dummy so I could just put her in a suitcase and wheel her out when needed. Unfortunately as she is free to wander the vast blank spaces between my ears, she can make her presence felt whenever she so chooses. Damn me and my imaginary characters.

I still can’t find a theme, there are bits and pieces I like about a lot of them, but very few where I like everything. My attempts for a banner have also stalled, I have decided I am no graphic designer. I still like what I have though so I’ll stick with it for a while longer.

I’ve not been writing much, what do you mean you didn’t notice *cue shocked face*. I don’t want this space to become somewhere I just moan about the rigors of caring for someone with dementia so on weeks like last week when it was prevalent, I decided to say very little. I try as much as possible to keep this a fun place,  of course I will have the occasional rant, who doesn’t, but I don’t want to drag myself, you and the kitchen sink into the mire. Sometimes, no matter how hard you try you just can’t summon the funny. Thank goodness the rest of you can and there is always something to read.

At this point Itunes randomly throws up and starts to play Paul Simon ‘I know what I know’, it’s fast becoming my man the feck up song and it works.

I’m still loving Twitter and have been playing the Hash Tag games, I personally thought my entry of ‘The Peelers’ was outstanding for the tag #IrishA Band, but what do I know. If you want to follow along and join in the link is over there somewhere ———–>

How’s your Sunday going?

57 thoughts on “Lacking Inspiration

  1. Right there with you Juls. Been a long week and sitting at home today wanting to blog but nothing is coming out. Did post my new comic (a day late) and updated my own header earlier this week but not a lot new besides that.

    I’ve been having fun playing with my design work lately so if you have an idea you want me to explore for your header send me an email and I’ll see what I can come up with.


    • Thanks for the offer, a few others have offered too. Thing is, I like my header, but I had this vague idea that I wanted to draw something, or doodle something, I just can’t figure out what, so for now I am going to leave as is.
      Do you have any objections to me sticking a prompt on the OWI site if I can think of one? I haven’t forgotten I write there too by the way, just have no questions lol


  2. Yup, I am pretty much in the same boat as you. No blogging, etc. I feel like someone stole my imagination. Whoever it was, I wish they would return it. I miss blogging. I am sure we’ll figure out who the thief is. :D


    • Let’s hope so. Even the Daily Prompts are uninspiring and when your life is as decidedly boring as mine, well you get the idea lol
      I might think of some prompts and stick them on Jed’s site if he is agreeable, anything you would like to write about?


  3. Am right with you on the lack of inspiration lately. I’m calling it Blog Block (like writer’s block only for blogs?) Guess I’ll just hang around waiting till a new adventure comes my way….right now, I’m too worn out for much more than that……


    • Aww chum, what has you so worn out, are those boys of yours running you ragged?
      See below or above comments, dunno what way mine runs, I might look at doing some prompts on Jed’s site if he is agreeable. Any ideas?


      • Not sure what has me so worn out at this point…..could be the “age” I’m at I guess. Mostly, I think it’s just finally simmering down after all the upheaval…..body/mind finally freaking out now that there is time for that. :)

        As for ideas….nope nothing. Am thinking maybe in this state top 10 lists are where it’s at. Don’t need to come up with a full blog post, but might be able to churn out a top 10 of something……..what do you think?


      • Fair point yes, I use lists when I’m stuck. So Jed has this site Okay, What If? that I wrote at a few times and he used to give great prompt lol Always started with “Okay, what if? obviously. I was thinking of starting it up again, he’s given the go ahead, I now just need to think of ideas lol
        Wee Blue Birdie and I are going to do a post on public transport as we both use it. You could do one on when you last used it lol
        (and you’re not that old yet ffs!!)


      • Public transport. OMG. Well, I could write about when we were in UK/France last year and used it then. Beyond that…..I think the last time I used it would have to be Disney World two years before that. Am not sure Disney transport counts though……hmmmm…….


      • Okay, what if… woke up in the morning and got to decide how the world would be?

        What if you stumbled on hidden treasure?

        What if you found out you had a clone?

        What if you could switch places with anyone living?

        What if your house was on fire and you knew for certain you had 20 minutes to get out what you could?

        What if you were given the choice to change one thing about your body or mind?

        Any of those get you going?


      • Hah! Now the challenge will be to see what I can come up with…you’re going to have to direct me to the post when you get it up and going if it’s on a different blogsite.


      • I will indeed, I usually reblog it on mine. A;though if you google Okay, What if? it will be the first result. Feel gree to reblog it too, would be good if we could get a few entries :)


      • Oh, okay. Am not really sure there’s much fodder in the Disney transport thing. As with all things Disney, it just works!


  4. Hi Juls! I think inspiration is like insomnia, the more you look or wait for it the more elusive it is. Seriously, I’m allergic to inspiration… So I at least know when it’s in the room but since I’m not a writer I can’t do anything about it. I’m beginning to think it’s all over-rated anyway. Okay, admit it, my resignation made you feel better…


    • Hey there! Great to see you commenting, is everything finally getting sorted out for you with regards to TTS?
      I think you’re right about it being like insomnia, and there is a possibility I may very well declare myself allergic to inspiration also :)

      Liked by 1 person

      • Lol. I think you are inspired!
        The TTS issue on my S4 just continues to deteriorate. I think s4 is being overlooked or ignored. I periodically I download the Google app updates and check for improvements but the problems persist and get worse. :-( my tablet works just fine. It’s a little large and heavy for extended use however (10”).


      • Did you get the tablet new or did you have it? I agree, mine is only a 7 inch one and when reading on the train I can find my wrist starting to get sore, so yours would be worse.
        I wish they would sort out the problems or at least give somewhere to complain / ask about the problem. I googled it, but there was nothing to shed light on the problem.

        Liked by 1 person

      • I got my tablet around holiday time. If I filter comment results in Google Play specifically for galaxy s4… There are hardly any ratings. Could it be possible that I am the only blind person using a galaxy s4 that would be affected by this crappy Google update? I’m beginning to think so. I also think the galaxy s4 did not compete very well with the galaxy s3. I have left several negative reviews for the Google app update in Google Play. I have also checked and rechecked all of my settings to make sure it isn’t something on my end.


      • Great idea! I didn’t think of that one, I was too wrapped up in being angry with Google. I’ll send them an email today! Thanks!


  5. I know the feeling. It often feels like there’s nothing to write about. You just have to be on the lookout for inspiration.

    P.S. I left some suggestions on your Music Bubble page. :)


    • I saw them thanks and replied, I’m a little late on everything, have you not noticed lol Please feel free to add any suggestions you want :)
      Sadly I can find not sources of inspiration, I’m thinking about creating my own, any ideas for prompts?


  6. I keep misplacing the words as well. I am still reading, well blogs and random internet stuff. Books overwhelm me with their wordiness. I comment on other people’s posts, to keep my hand in. But me oh my…where have my own words gone?? There are snippets of thoughts which fly off like startled birds. Must try harder….


    • I think as one of the comments below says, the harder we try the harder it is. I’m wondering if I put up barriers for myself. I could write about things from when I was younger but does the fact that family sometimes read this blog put me off. Perhaps a little. I think I am going to have to invent my own sources of inspiration.

      Liked by 1 person

      • perhaps we could do a mutual inspiration?? Challenge each other to write a post on a subject, or one which contains an unusual word, or whatever! Or is that just toooooooo scary and random?? :-)


      • lol That’s fine. I sometimes write for a site called Okay, What If? and Jed there used to do some great prompts that were the basis of some of my fiction stories, the problem was I ran out of Okay, What If? questions. I was thinking of perhaps starting it again, if Jed gives permission.

        Liked by 1 person

      • That could work. In the meantime, how about…..a short post about your commute. I know we both have long ones, so I’ll do it too. Can be about a Regular Fellow Commuter that you’ve noticed something interesting/odd/downright weird about them. Or an overheard conversation. Or the musings you have while staring out the window. We will both post tonight – possibly tomorrow :-)


      • Ok I’ll give that a shot, might be tomorrow night though, will see how I get on. I have a series of posts called the Joys of Modern Travel where I used to moan about it. Been a while since I did a new one lol


      • Not at the “far” stage yet! Made it week 3 of C25K. Main bit is running for 3 mins then walking for 3 mins, doing this turn about until run for 14 mins. We’re amazed at ourselves!!


    • I appreciate that, but I’m good for now. As I said below / above, I do like my banner, but I wanted to draw / doodle something, sadly what I had in my head did not work out on paper, so for now I am going to leave as is.


  7. Oh my dearest Eejit. Let me count the ways ….. You’re havin’ troubles tryin’ to pick out a Theme and I’m havin’ troubles tryin’ to get my comments to work properly. It’s a challenge for sure. I don’t know if you read my recent post about supper and mommy, but I truly know exactly what you’re talkin’ about. Cheers to you my dear, may we both have better luck in the very near future :)


  8. Hmmmmm, I don’t seem to be having problems with writing blog posts recently. In fact I’ve probably published far too many, which may frighten off some of my blogging community.

    However, when I have been in that position of not having anything to write, then I read, because that sometimes gives me some inspiration, I look at photos, because that works as well, or I will consider rebloging an older post or somebody else’s post.

    You’ve come up with the right idea though, because you’ve written a blog post about it. :)


    • Good point, I suppose it did get me writing. I’m thinking of starting up my friends old challenge which is based around his theme of Okay, What if? I just need to think of some first lol
      I’ve been reading all day and been set a challenge so I’m gearing my brain up to start, or trying to anyway lol


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