Cartoon Craziness Challenge – Week 6

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Good evening …. hmm what shall I call you all, it would be unfair to call you eejits as the Cartoon Craziness Challenge is a collaboration between myself and Mental Mama…hmmm…M…ok let me start again.

Good evening meejits, (see what I did there, good right!?) it is that time of the week again, and by that I mean time for another exciting installment of doodling disasters, speaking for myself of course!

This week 10 amazing people showed us in a variety of ways what ‘Happiness’ meant to them, I’ll add links at the bottom, should you have missed any entries.

This week, the theme for the challenge as suggested by the lovely Deborah from Container Chronicles is ‘Memories of a Childhood Vacation‘. Ever since she suggested it I’ve been turning ideas over in my head, I even put pen to paper at one stage but drawing a pictures of yourself getting stung on the arse by a bee is not as easy as it sounds!

You have until Sunday to complete this mission, should you chose to accept it! The only requirement is that you create a link back to this post when making your own, this in turn creates a pingback, which in turn alerts me to the presence of your drawing, how simple is that!

Entires for the current week will be updated as they come in (ish) and you can find them up there ^ on the Cartoon Craziness Challenge Page!

Happy Drawing Meejits :)

Last weeks amazing entires

If It Makes You Happy… | Steve Says…

tuesday update | Mental in the Midwest

Complete Cartoon Happiness Crudely Attempted | JED’s Playhouse

Cartoon Craziness Challenge – It’s All Fun and Games until a Goblin loses an Eye | Green Embers

Evil Squirrel’s Nest Comic #119 — 8/7/14 | Evil Squirrel’s Nest

CCC5: Happiness | Dean’z Doodlez

Cartoon Craziness Challenge: Happiness | Eyes and Words

Cartoon Craziness Challenge – Happiness | The Indecisive Eejit

Happy Scribbling | Not a Punk Rocker

What Does Happiness Look Like? | Container Chronicles

24 thoughts on “Cartoon Craziness Challenge – Week 6

  1. I’ve been contemplating what to do for this one for a bit now, and I finally think I’ve got it. Now if I can just remember it until I get a chance to try to draw it…


Entertain the Eejit!