Bonne Anniversaire!


Dear WordPress,

Thank you for reminding me that today is my anniversary, well the anniversary of the creation of this blog. I had been thinking the date to remember was the 31st March, as that was the date of my first post, but no, you surprise me with a new little trophy informing me that today is the day.

I never imagined that I would still be here after 365 days, let alone have followers and over 20, 000 page views. I’m not renowned for sticking at things, I get bored easily and tend to leave projects unfinished. This became so much more than a project.

12 months ago I was The Geeky G4mer, writing about gaming,  Spam and the Joys of Modern Travel. Notifications received a reaction of unprecedented proportions.  Little did I know that the time, that those were from people who liked everyone and everything. Still though, I stuck at it, even when the only real life person liking my posts was Paul, he felt a strange kind of pity for me.

I was happy, but I didn’t feel comfortable. After playing around with the idea for a month or so, I made the decision to change the name of the blog to ‘The Indecisive Eejit’. I finally felt at home, and more people came to visit, but in the process of the changeover I lost some of the few people I had met at the start. Perhaps one day they will find me again.

I started to meet some amazing new people, who helped me to climb out of the black hole I seemed to have found myself in. The next few months brought laughter and enlightenment, hopefully I even provided a smidgen of both for others.

I loved the little place I had created, but sometimes I felt like giving up. On those days one or other of my new found friends always seemed to manage to lift and inspire me, making me want to stay just one more day. So far, according to you anyway, I have managed to hold on for 365. That is largely due to that colourful and vibrant mix of personalities here on WordPress. I have no idea what it was that lead them here to me, for it certainly wasn’t my writing skills, but I am thankful everyday that they came, saw and stayed.

So yes, whilst I may write (badly), draw ( atrociously) and comment (more dire than a big dire thing) I still have managed to find people who care, and couldn’t care less about my lack of skills.

I still have a lot to learn, both about writing and about myself. I need to let go of my inhibitions and write freely, but looking back to some of my very first posts, I can already see that I have changed, hopefully for the better.

So, Happy Anniversary to me, and thank you WordPress for being the place that allows me to be me, and sends me people who appreciate me just the way I am. You Rock!!



The Indecisive Eejit :)




39 thoughts on “Bonne Anniversaire!

  1. Happy blogaversary!
    I for one enjoy your online company, and am glad you stuck with it.

    (My sister and my wife were the only ones who read my blog for a while.)


  2. I like these trophies – they make you so happy and grateful and you start overthinking your blogging life and stuff… Aaaah :). Just don’t think about giving up on blogging that easily. Why would you abandon it? After all it’s but a hobby, there is no need to post daily, or even weekly, it’s what you choose to do.
    So keep going!


  3. ((((((((Juls))))))))))

    So glad that you stuck with it – and yeah, we love you just the way you are – after all, we ALL are works in progress – so why not just keep on keeping on, eh? Our blogs change and grow as we do – so it’s all a wonderful thing. And for the record – you are you – in all your wonderous glory – and yes, you may think that you don’t offer back to others as much as you’d like, or in the manner that is more “highbrow” perhaps? But truth is – we – and I think I speak for so many – think you give back the most critical and crucial bit – you give the gift of you – your own unique blend and mix – and what better gift could there be?

    So Happy Birthday -Anniversary – and may be find you still here in another 365,yes? :)


    • You see you’re one of the reasons I’ve not given up. Your words always inspire and boost me just when I need it. My biggest problem is me, I need to learn to get over myself lol Who would have thought that such great things and people could come out of a simple blog :) x


      • Lol- well there you go – we all add something supportive and wonderful in our own ways – and like, you think you’re the ONLY one that needs to get over themselves?!?? Join the ranks of the many and needy – but if we can laugh at ourselves and with ourselves – then me thinks this is half the battle ;)


  4. Yay! I don’t even know when my anniversary is . . . but thanks for sticking around, we all love your awesome face when it’s not sticking a gun in someone else’s and ripping off their car!


Entertain the Eejit!