Let’s try this!

I may have found a solution to my lack of time problem with regards to blogging, and yes I know that right now GTA V is a major factor, but I’m having fun, there’s no crime in that is there? Unlike the game, there is plenty of crime in it, rather a lot of it committed by me!
The simple solution, which I have to add is not tried and tested, due to the fact I only thought about it 5 minutes ago, would be to blog at lunchtime. By this I mean take myself away from my desk and actually concentrate on what it is I wish to write. I have made half hearted attempts before, but found endless distractions in the shape of the never ending knocking door, being unable to reach the keyboard, due to the fact it was obscured by my lunch plate and the constant yakking of the Tinsel Twit, hindered me in my pursuit of the perfect post.

I have also found in recent experiences that there is no such thing as a quick post, unless of course it’s a picture or an update as to the current status of my day in the form of “So far the day’s been dead on hey!”.

I constantly have to proof read and correct my writing, because I am certainly no Queen of Grammar. I also have to keep myself in check, as I have been known to and in fact often times still do vary from my original subject matter. In fact there have been times when the ending has been the polar opposite from the beginning. I like to keep things varied and interesting translates into I’ve totally lost my train of thought, it is what it is.

My biggest problem right now has to be subject matter, or at present, the lack of. My little ideas are like bubbles that pop before they can take root, they are fabulous at the time, float around for a while and then disappear into the nothing, never to be seen again. One of the problems of getting on a bit is that the brain cells that control idea retention obviously do not perform with the same gusto that they once did. Where am I? What day is it? What did I come in here for?

I suppose the only way to find out if this is a feasible idea would be to put it into practice and see what happens. Now the better weather is starting to filter in, I need to thrown the laptop in the rucksack and get busy.

It may mean for a while you get a variety of posts about anything and everything as I try sort the wheat from the chaff so to speak. My mind is a confusing place sometimes, even after all this time getting to know it, most days I feel like I am getting nowhere.

I hope to get back to my reading of blogs as well, I still do read, but have not been able to comment and like the way I would want to. I feel that since the last couple of updates to the WordPress App, not all posts are showing and I have had to individually visit blogs. It seems there are a lot I have missed and it may take a while to catch up.

Thank you so much to all my new followers, and thank you to those who have been with me all along. Your continued support is much appreciated and as I approach my one year anniversary, even though I am paddling through murky waters just now, I want to be around for a while longer, maybe to hopefully reach a two year anniversary. Only time will tell!

25 thoughts on “Let’s try this!

  1. Well about the ideas disappearing before they can take a root, I can totally relate, along with everything else you said. One of the reasons I went into hiatus was because I couldn’t manage blogging wit my busy routine. What I decided to do with Ideas, was to cage them in ! Yes, you heard me right ! I keep like a small journal with me so I can write the idea when ever it pops in my head. Maybe you can do the same. Its hard to keep a journal at all times so I sometimes I make notes in my mobile phone. That is way easier.
    Anyways I hope you are able to balance it all. Good luck :)


  2. “No crime in that” <- I see what you did there! :D

    I was having the same problem honestly with just finding things to write about. I've taken to just doing the WordPress Daily Prompts and usually can find something to write about. I've been really liking it, I have also challenged myself to make them somewhat positive (I think negative too much).

    Your grammar seems great to me! But then I have horrid grammar, so perhaps I am not the best judge of that, lol.

    Keep at it though, you'll find a new groove soon enough. :D


    • Ha! We can call ourselves the grammar gremlins.
      I used to like the Daily Prompts, however it was only a very rare one I would do, most of them skim over the top of my head leaving me feeling a little WTF about the whole thing lol So kudos to you! :)


  3. Ahhh hah Juls – there you are :)

    I figured maybe you had crossed the invisible line and had become a pixelated part of GTA V. Anything is possible right?

    Lol – glad to know that you’re okay – happily wandering about, and taking care of yourself – even if it means committing all kinds of GTA crimes – hey, better than the real thing ;)

    So, “fill your well” which means, take the time to do what YOU need to do – whatever it is, to help you find interesting, inspiring, creative bits and blurbs that help you ‘reconnect’ and then share with us.

    Just drop us a line from time to time:


    and we’ll know all is well – and yes, Spring rearing its head means most of the human race – well those of us in this particular hemisphere are anxious and more than happy to abandon all rational thought in favor of getting outside and running amok – so no worries.

    Take care my friend :)


    • Is it weird that I prefer the squiggly line from your comment? Is it some kind of inference to my physche or however it’s spelt lol
      I’m good, just having trouble prioritizing and am getting a little bogged down in the process. Normal service should hopefully resume before to long. :)


      • Well since you like the squiggles ——-> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ——-> followed by ____________________________ ….. because the squiggles need some space and straight-lining afterwards – helps clear the wonky-top-box ;)

        Take you’re time and I hope you will be well – we’ll still be here when you’re back :)



  4. I can’t be arsed to write at lunchtime. The last two days, I will blame that entirely on sunshine. YAY!

    I rather like a stream-of-conscious post. I do it quite often, so I haveta :) I also restrict myself from games as they suck my life away. Shooop!


  5. We all trip up sometimes with blogging, I find that for certain posts it’s easier if I schedule them but sometimes I’m just to tired after work to sit down and write. Luckily having the WordPress app on my phone makes it easy for me to post from anywhere xXx


Entertain the Eejit!