Cartoon Craziness Challenge – Week 2!

Cartoon Craziness Challenge BannerMental Mama and I cannot thank you enough, because it’s been so much fun this week seeing all your entries! Thank you for taking part and putting your own spin on how a ‘Cat in a Hat’ should look.

Please don’t worry about not feeling like your drawing is good enough, it’s all about joining in and making others smile! (Yes Karen, that means you ;P )

We’ve decided to have a trial run of making this a regular feature, so the theme for this week, courtesy of Madame Mental herself, is ‘Self Portrait’. How would you look as a cartoon or a drawing, now is your chance to show us all.

This weeks challenge will run from today until next Saturday, so no excuses, you have plenty of time. New challenges will be issued on either a Sunday or a Monday, I’ll try to keep it to a Sunday if I can.

So get drawing and good luck :)

If you missed last week and would like to see all the entries for the ‘Cat in a Hat’ please click on the link, the entries are listed at the bottom. If I have missed anyone, let me know, I didn’t receive pingbacks for some :)

Entries so Far

The Lotus War | Look for the Creators Part II – Animefied Selfie

Cartoon me | trying to make things right

Rob’s Surf Report | Cartoon Craziness Challenge – Self Portrait 

Green Embers | Me vs the Universe

Cartoon Craziness Challenge: Self Portrait! | The Indecisive Eejit

CCC: Self Portrait | Dean’z Doodlez

cartoon challenge – self-portrait | Mental in the Midwest

Sideways View | Not a Punk Rocker

Cartoon Craziness Week 2 | Somber Scribbler

Cartoon Craziness Challenge – Self Portrait with Spots | heretherebespiders

If you have entered the challenge, but do not see your name listed, I have either not received / or missed a pingback. Please let me know so I can add you :)

Cartoon Craziness Challenge!

Ah Feck
No one said I was good ffs!

I like to draw, but more often than not they are complete shite and never seen by the outside world. I did share a couple on here a while back, with the intention of drawing more, but as usual, time is a factor.

A couple of weeks ago, Mental Mama said one of her goals was to do something creative, so I challenged her to draw me a happy alien. I never for one minute actually though she would, but she did and the result had me grinning like a cheshire cat. You can see it HERE.

So tonight while conversing in the comments I again challenged her to draw me a picture. The theme for this week, ‘A Cat in a Hat’. I also said I might join in, because after all, it’s kind of unfair to issue a challenge to someone else that you would not undertake yourself.

I then decided, cos I’m random, that I might like to throw the challenge out there to the greater blogsphere should anyone else like to join in. You don’t have to be able to draw, I mean I can’t and I’m going to give it a go. You don’t have to worry either if you are the next budding Picasso, everyone is welcome. I think it will be fun to see what people can come up with.

So, if you would like to throw caution to the wind and prime your crayons, you have until Sunday to complete this challenge.

You can let us know about your drawings either in the comment section or via Ping back, it will however mean that you have to create a post on your own blog and expose your crazy crayon antics to all your followers. You can also tag it ‘Cartoon Craziness Challenge’, I’m sure someone someday will explain the tagging system to me and I’ll find them.

Who knows, if it’s popular I might even make it a regular feature.

On your marks, get set….GO!!

Entires so Far!

Cartoon Craziness Challenge! – Cat in the Hat! | Green Embers

My Zombie Art | trying to make things right

Cartoon Craziness Cat! | The Indecisive Eejit

Cat in a Hat Challenge | Dean’z Doodlez

Cartoon Craziness Cat Challenge | Imcalledjen

My Cartoon Craziness Entry | The Hillbilly Blogger

Steve Says | Get that mouse out of your house and let the cats in the window!

Cartoon craziness cat in a hat | trying to make things right

Cat inna Hat Challenge! | heretherebespiders

Fun on a Friday | Mental In the Midwest (Mental Mama)

Hat Trick | Not a Punk Rocker

If you don’t appear here yet, let me know, I’ve not received a pingback and I DO NOT want to miss one single picture :)