A touching post…

 1. arousing feelings of sympathy or gratitude.

I’ve written many different kinds of posts, happy ones, sad ones, frustrated ones and angry ones to name but a few. I don’t however think I have written too many touching ones, so I think it is time I address that issue.

My touching post!

I touched the electrical socket, only I licked my finger first,
My hair has now gone curly and I look like someone cursed.
My legs have gone all tingly and there’s a buzzing in my heart,
I hope I don’t shoot lightening bolts if I accidentally fart!

There you go, how was that for a first post. That is what they mean by touching right!? Did you feel sympathy for me?

In other news, Happy Birthday to my Sister, let me embarrass her once again by putting her wonderful little Haiku on the world wide web for all to see.

Sitting on the train
Enveloped in a fart cloud
Of my own making.

Many happy returns oh Sister of mine!


36 thoughts on “A touching post…

  1. OMG. What a sister you must be…….I bet you two have a million stories and could sit there trying to outdo each other for years! Happy b-day to your sister and I commend you on your first attempt at a touching verse. Not exactly what I envisioned, but definitely very much you!


  2. The second poem reminds me of the time Beavis did an ode to whizzing on an electric fence.

    When I was little and had no sense,
    I took a whizz on an electric fence.
    It hurt so bad, It shocked my balls.
    Then I took a crap in my overalls.

    They just don’t write ’em like that anymore…


  3. Happy Birthday sis! My little brother actually did do that when he was eight years old! Amazingly, my dad through his body against him to dislodge him from the socket. His hair really did stand up, broke out into a sweat too. He laid there, just staring off into space for quite a few minutes. All I can say; is thank goodness he didn’t get a bill from the electric company for abusing energy. :D


  4. Laughed along with the rest of you which tells me we’re all kids at heart who love pooh-bum talk and jokes :) Of course the more shocked someone is the more it spurs us to greater heights of silliness. Love it. xx Linda


  5. Had me reeling at my chair … causing much welcomed laughter … and some pain (not your doing) .. stiffness in the joints that could use a good dose of grease! Shaking all about …. your humour is a true gift and blessing XD


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