3 Day Quote Challenge – Day 3

It’s the final day for the quote challenge, it’s been fun and I have a few new ones written down for my collection once I get time to update my page.

3 Days – 3 Quotes – Day 3

Life is like a camera. Just focus on what’s important, capture the good times, develop from the negatives, and if things don’t turn out – take another shot.” – Unknown

My final quote is yet another one I should remember and quote to myself, that instead of beating myself up in advance, I just need to give it my best shot.

12 thoughts on “3 Day Quote Challenge – Day 3

  1. How funny. I was just thinking, ‘Today is the third day, where is Juls and voila! here you are!” It is very strange you chose this quote today…..I’d never heard it before until last week and now here it is again. Must be something in that I need to learn! :)


Entertain the Eejit!