Who did you say you were again?

Image by George Eastman House

So the other day, something very strange happened.

Still feeling a little glum after all the trauma of the card writing and the last minute frantic gift buying I decided I needed a time out and a little peace and quiet, so I headed into a well known coffee franchise and rewarded myself with a hefty serving of cappuccino. It seemed I had underestimated the peace and quiet aspect though, as a great number of other Christmas Shoppers had also elected to rest their weary legs. As luck would have it I found a small table tucked away in the corner, and there I sat mindlessly stirring my coffee while contemplating life in general.

“Mind if I sit here?”

Snapping out of my daydream I looked up to see a gentleman of around 60 years of age smiling down at me.

“No, sit away, let me just move my stuff. Nice beard and tache by the way, is that left over from Movember?”

He laughed, a nice tinkling kind of laugh. “No, that’s pretty much there all year round.”

“It’s cool, it’s so white, it’s almost like snow!”

Again he laughed. “Indeed. So what’s with the long face?”

This time I laughed, “You do realise that’s what the bar man said to the crocodile when it asked for a pint.”

“Ah, the old ones are the best. Seriously, why so glum?”

I shrugged my shoulders, “Meh. Just not loving the Christmas vibe at the minute.”

“Any particular reason why?”

“None specifically, just lots of different little random ones, money, time, stress…go me, bah bloody humbug!”

He appeared thoughtful for a minute, “Hmm, are you not excited to see what Santa has brought you for Christmas?”

It was at this point that the mouthful of coffee I happened to be savouring left me and met in tiny droplets all over the gentleman’s face. “I’m sorry, that was unintentional, but I mean come on, Santa, what age do you think I am?”

“I think you are never to old to believe in Santa Claus, he, after all, believes in you.”

“Does he indeed. Well that’s good to know.”

“I note the sarcasm young lady, but he never gave up on you the year you hunted the house high and low looking for your Christmas presents. Come Christmas morning you still got the cabbage patch doll you asked for.”

“Yeah, that is true….wait a minute..how did you……”

“And he never forgot you the year you tried so hard to find out what your presents were, that your parents told you if you didn’t stop harping on they were going to sell you at the market.”

I laughed, “Yeah there is that too….hang on here…..”

“And he didn’t forget you the year you thought he had delivered your presents to your Sister. The look on your face when she pulled the football gloves you had asked for out of her stocking, oh how I….ahem, I mean oh how Santa must have laughed.”

“Wait just a minute, you said I…….”

“Anyway I must go, it’s been lovely to chat.”

“Wait I didn’t catch your name?”

“Well it’s Kris my dear, Kris Kringle and it’s been lovely to meet you.”

“It’s been nice to meet you too Mr Kringle,” and with that he was gone.

Funny thing is, the name is really familiar but I can’t think where I know it from, I’m sure it will come to me. It’s weird, but the Christmas cappuccino must have been just what I needed, because ever since that day I have been really looking forward to Christmas!

Written for the Okay, what if? Challenge, “What if you could have a conversation with Santa.”

17 thoughts on “Who did you say you were again?

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