Ello…..remember me?

This TIT was at the Titanic!

Well hello there. Some of you may have realised (although probably not lol) that I have been absent for the last week. It’s been hectic!

Paul, as in he of Purple Shirt Paul was here for a few days for a holiday, and we have been traveling the length and breadth of Northern Ireland, well ok, perhaps that is a slight exaggeration, but we did cover a fair amount of ground, thank you Sis and Brother in Law for the photo session.

Normal blogging should hopefully resume, but in the mean time I thought I would post a few pictures from our travels to keep you all amused.

River Lagan – Belfast

The view that greeted us nearly everyday, well before the rain came, on our way into Belfast Central Station.

Here, guess what?

This guy thought my blog was a great idea and was helping get the word around, apparently he’s an excellent speaker!


The gorgeous views from the shortline at Kearney.

Scrabo Tower

The walk up to the tower almost killed me, but alien leg and I made it and were quite proud of ourselves.

Kite Surfing at Ballywalter!

Last one is for you Rob, to let you see how the surfers roll over here. I’m guessing the waves are no where near the size of the ones you guys have, but they still manage!

30 thoughts on “Ello…..remember me?

  1. Glad to hear that you have a had a good time with family and friends. Of course we *remember* you … how could we not? Lol …. just take some time to breathe and you’ll fall back into the swing of the blog world as you can. Missed you and glad your well.

    Lovely pics – nice to armchair travel if one can’t actually do the real thing :)


    • Ok talk to me like I am an imbecile, actually I am so anyways what’s the difference, is wet suit surfing where you go on a board in huge waves wearing a wet suit? (DO NOT say duh!) You would love Whitepark Bay, that’s where a lot of the surfing goes on.
      Those guys on Sunday were amazing to watch though, they were doing flips and everything….that will be you soon!!
      Whitepark Bay
      P.s This is Whitepark Bay, strangely enough taken the same day as the Rathlin shot lol


Entertain the Eejit!